Your mission, should you choose to accept it,
is to Rescue your Digital Office.

Below you will find all the Game Challenge topics and instructions. Click on the topic that best suits what you are looking for when Rescuing your Digital Office and let’s get started.
Subscribe to the Tech E-Rescue email dispatch to receive your mission parameters.
Let’s improve your systems
Looking for extra support?
Join the Lux Lab and we can work on this together with friends.
When you join the Lux Lab you get to work on your current digital office backend issues while having tech support and group energy available for troubleshooting, brainstorming, and general productivity solutions.
Join the Lux Lab (Group Session)
- Get feedback on that crazy thing your computer is doing.
- Conquer your email inbox
- Organize your digital files
- Untangle your passwords.
- And more Rescue your Digital Office challenges.

View the LUX LAB Schedule
With your registration, you will also receive the regular Tech E-Rescue email dispatch which offers challenges and guidance toward rescuing your digital office.
You can unsubscribe anytime.