Optimize Your Desktop

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Don’t think, Just do!

Pick one or do both!

  • Look at the toolbar or dock at the bottom of your screen and remove any programs you don’t use.
  • Clean up or organize a few icons on your desktop.

GUIDE VIDEO: Join me as we Work on this Game Challenge Together.

Simple Setup for this Game Challenge

Optimize your Toolbar (PC) or Dock (MAC)

  • Add programs you use regularly to your Toolbar/Dock
  • Remove the programs you do not use regularly from your Toolbar/dock

Optimize your screen

  • Delete, file, or arrange the Icons you have on your screen.

Create a System Protocol Document and Save it to your Desktop

Use your favorite document program (Word, Pages) and create a simple document file on your desktop with information about how you organize your computer.

  • List the programs you like to keep in your toolbar.
  • List the major icons and folders you like to keep on your desktop
  • List the primary folders you have in the Documents folder of your computer with a short description of what you keep in them.
  • List your Cloud Drives

Set a fun desktop image to inspire you

  • Right-click your screen and choose “change the background” or “personalize” to pick a fun image from the pictures on your computer.

Join the Lux Lab and we can work on this together with friends.

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  • Conquer your email inbox
  • Organize your digital files
  • Untangle your passwords.
  • And more Rescue your Digital Office challenges.

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Deeper work and strategy for this Game Challenge

What should and should not be on your desktop? (the main screen of your computer

Your desktop consists of the main screen on your computer. It is what you see when all your programs and windows are closed. Across the bottom* of your Desktop is your Dock (MAC) or Taskbar (PC).

For those who prefer a minimalistic screen you can access all your files in the Windows Explorer (PC) or Finder (MAC) app on your Taskbar/Dock.

For those who like to see your files visually, you can keep them on your desktop.  Your challenge will be to set up a system so that you don’t have so many things on your screen that your important things get lost in the clutter. Your visual space is limited. I recommend keeping it to less than 25 icons or folders.

* Your Dock/Taskbar can be moved. Some people like to position it vertically along the left side or right side of their screen.

STEP 1: Organize your Dock/Taskbar

Add your important programs and remove unimportant programs (apps) on your Toolbar (PC) or Dock (Mac).

The programs across the bottom of your screen should be the programs you use regularly. You can safely remove them from your Taskbar/Dock and they will still be accessible in your computer’s regular program list if you need them.

Be sure to keep at least Finder (Blue smiley face thing) on your Dock if you are using a MAC and Windows Explorer (Yellow folder thing) on Taskbar if you are using a PC.

Here is the list of important programs I recommend keeping on your Dock/Taskbar (You may have more or less):

  • Finder (MAC) or Windows Explorer (PC)
  • Your preferred browser
  • Any program you use weekly

Specifically for the MAC:

  • LaunchPad (This is your application/program list)

Specifically for the PC:

To add a program to your Taskbar/Dock

Open the important app (program) and it will appear in your Taskbar/Dock.

To keep it on your Dock/Taskbar “Right Click” the app and “Click” the option to “Keep on Dock”, or “Pin to Taskbar”. 

Do the same process if you want to get rid of an app on your Taskbar/Dock.

STEP 2: Organize the Icons that are Covering your Screen.

Let’s work together to get under 25 icons.

Keeping files on your desktop can be a great way to have everything you need where you can see it, however, it can get overwhelming. If you have too many files and icons on your desktop you can organize them into folders and either keep the folders on your desktop where you can see them or move them into the “Documents” folder on your computer.

Here are a few folders that may be useful to have on your Desktop or organized in your main Documents folder.

  • !IN-PROCESS – for things you are working on temporarily (You will delete them or move them to another folder when you are done)
  • Documents (Shortcut) – to make it easy for you to drag things into your Documents folder and out of your way, or so you can easily find stuff you need while you are working.
  • Your System Protocol Document – So you can reference it to remember the organizational standards you have decided on.
  • Your Glitch Station folder – For screenshots of things that go weird on your computer.

Organizing your desktop screen

  • Create Folders: “Right Click” in an empty space on your desktop and choose the option to create a folder. 
  • Move Icons: Once you have folders on your desktop you can Drag and Drop your files “into” them to keep things orderly.

Delete Icons: For files and program icons you no longer need, “Right Click” on them and look for “delete” or “move to trash” from the menu of options.

STEP 3: Set your Desktop Background to Something Fun.

Having a desktop background that inspires you can make a huge difference in how much you enjoy working at your computer

Make it personal, make it fun and productive. You can choose a family picture or an inspirational saying. 

How to change your Desktop Background

  • On both the PC and the MAC you can customize your desktop background by Right Clicking any blank spot on the desktop and select “Personalize” or “Change Background” from the options.

This will allow you to browse for an image to use.

Extra Credit: Connect your Cloud Drives

When you download your cloud drives onto your computer they can be used the same way you use your “Documents” folder. This makes it really easy to manipulate and organize your files on your hard drive and have them accessible both online and off.

BLOG POST: Get Your Head (files) in the Cloud

GAME CHALLENGE: Connect Your Cloud Drives

Resources associated with this Game Challenge:

Checkout the following Useful Tip: Drag and Drop

Useful Tip: Right Click

Useful Tip: Screen Capture