Choose Your Password Pattern
One of the most challenging things about dealing with your online tools is how to manage your passwords.
On the surface it seems like “remembering” your password is the biggest challenge. It is not.
The real challenge around passwords is having a consistent and reliable method for choosing your password. The solution is to have a system in place for making quick decisions about what password you will use for a particular online tool. With this system you will be able to look at any tool know immediately what the password should be, even if you have never used the tool.
Let’s Get This Done Quickly
Print out the Password WORKSHEET and let’s get this done.
- Choose a Word between 4 – 6 letters and capitalize the first letter.
- Choose a Number between 4 – 6 digits.
- Choose Special Character, # , $ , & , ! , * tend to work best.
- Identify the Site3 (the website’s first 3 letters) and capitalize them.
This is where the magic happens. The name of the website you are trying to log into can be used to create a unique password for that site. This is the only thing that needs to change to make your passwords secure and unique.
- Choose the order of these elements for your password pattern.
Let’s say you are creating or resetting your passwords for your GOOgle account and your MICrosoft account and your special word is Happy and your special number is 1234 and your special character is $.
Let’s say you chose this Password Pattern: Word + site3 + numbers + character Your passwords would be…
Google = HappyGOO1234$
Microsoft = HappyMIC1234$
Let’s say you chose this Password Pattern: numbers + Word + character + site3 Your passwords would be…
Google = 1234Happy$GOO
Microsoft = 1234Happy$MIC
Now any time you come across a new account or you are not sure of the password for an old account you can use your pattern to establish a password that is secure and you will be able to easily remember.
Resources Associated With This Game Space:
WORKSHEET: Create Your Password Pattern
BLOG POST: 5 Steps to Create a Strong Password (that you will actually remember)
DIGITAL DETANGLE VIDEO: Password Rescue Webinar
The Next Game Space:
When you are ready for the next game space check-out: Optimize your Workstation
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