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Don’t think, Just do!
Pick one or do both!
- Visit your most cluttered email inbox and go through the unsubscribe process on 5 emails.
- Go into the notification settings for one of your social media accounts and turn off email (and other) notifications.
GUIDE VIDEO: Join me as we Work on this Game Challenge Together.
Simple Setup for this Game Challenge
Create a Folder, Label or Mailbox in your email system and call it UNSUBSCRIBED!
This folder will allow you to track your unsubscribes.
- Go through the unsubscribe process on an email.
- Once you unsubscribe, delete all but one of the emails they’ve sent you.
- Move that one email to your UNSUBSCRIBED folder. If they send you anymore emails you can troubleshoot why and how. (and prove to yourself that you are not crazy)
Visit your social media accounts and adjust your notifications
In social media, you can manage the notifications you receive based on the activities of others.
- Get (or not get) email notifications
- Get (or not get) text notifications
Visit the settings on your phone and adjust your notifications
- Go to Settings –> Notifications –> look for the app and adjust
- Go to Settings –> Apps –> Notifications –> look for the app and adjust
Join the Lux Lab and we can work on this together with friends.
When you join the Lux Lab you get to work on your current digital office backend issues while having tech support and group energy available for troubleshooting, brainstorming, and general productivity solutions.
Join the Lux Lab (Group Session)
- Get feedback on that crazy thing your computer is doing.
- Conquer your email inbox
- Organize your digital files
- Untangle your passwords.
- And more Rescue your Digital Office challenges.

View the LUX LAB Schedule
With your registration, you will also receive the regular Tech E-Rescue email dispatch which offers challenges and guidance toward rescuing your digital office.
You can unsubscribe anytime.
Deeper Work and Strategy for this Game Challenge
Unsubscribing from emails seems like a super simple task, but there are some pitfalls and questions you may have. You may worry that the sender won’t respect your unsubscribe and keep sending you emails or worse add you to more lists. You may worry that the work you do won’t really matter and that you will always be buried by overwhelming emails. Worry not. You can conquer this!
As you go through your inbox look for your email newsletters and announcements. You will notice 3 types.
- The ANTICIPATED emails and newsletters you really like to see and read almost as soon as they pop into your inbox (you hate to miss them).
- The USEFUL newsletters that you sometimes need and usually enjoy but you don’t need to read them right away (or ever).
- The CLUTTER newsletters that you don’t read, don’t enjoy or irritate you when they clutter your inbox.
Let’s start backward.
STEP 1: Unsubscribe from CLUTTER
Go through your email inbox and unsubscribe from every newsletter that you have deemed CLUTTER.
If you want to keep a record of your unsubscribes you can create a folder called “UNSUBSCRIBED” and put one of the offending emails in it. (just be sure to actually go through the unsubscribe process). In the BLOG POST: Get off that list I offer more details about the unsubscribe process and why it can be difficult to get off of some lists.
STEP 2: Create Filters for USEFUL
If you do not need to read an email newsletter right away you can filter it or create a rule that will send the email directly to a “NEWSLETTER” folder so you can read it when you feel like it and it will never clutter your inbox. In the BLOG POST: Automate your incoming Emails I share the basics on how to set up email rules and/or filters so you can make your inbox work the way you want it to.
For the email newsletters that you look forward to and want to make sure you read as soon as you can you don’t need to do anything special. These emails can be treated like any other email that triggers a task. You can move it to your “!TO DO” folder or “star” it so you can find it easily.
Or, as soon as you finish unsubscribing from 5 emails and set 4 email filters you can reward yourself by reading one of your favorite email newsletters right now.
Resources Associated with this Game Challenge:
BLOG POST: Get off That List
BLOG POST: Automate your incoming Emails