Sort Your Data

You may have already started setting up a data system for how you want stuff organized, but it takes time to fully shift. Once you have a good data system in place it is completely normal to find that things will still need some tweaking.

Do a quick scan through your files and make sure everything is organized as it should be.

O Check the top-level of your drives and look for loose files that need to be put away.

O Check your Downloads folder for anything you need to save. (Delete the rest while you are in there.)

O Check your Desktop for things that no longer need to be front and center.

How your Computer is Organized

When you open your Finder or Windows Explorer on your computer you likely have a Documents folder, a Pictures folder, and a Desktop folder, these 3 folders are automatically installed on your computer. It is within these folders that everything you create or save should live. (In the PC they are also called libraries).

  • Your Desktop folder is where the files on your desktop actually live.
  • Your Pictures folder is where your pictures want to go when you sync your phone or connect a camera. It is also a good place to organize your photos.
  • Your Documents folder is (or should be) your primary folder for saving the files you create and files you need to access on a regular basis.

If connected, you will also see your Onedrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, or other cloud drives. The view of the files and folders you see when you first click on your Documents, Pictures, or one of Cloud drives is considered your top-level.

For more details on how your top-level and sub-folders can be organized check out the GAME SPACE: Set up File Folders

Task #1 Check the top-level of your drives, documents, and pictures

When you click on Documents you should see all the files and folders you created or saved. If you are following Luxcentric recommendations, you should only see folders in this view and not loose files.

When you Sort Your Data, look for the loose files in this view and put them where they go. Just drag them to the top-level folder that makes the most sense for where you would look when you want to find those files again.

Do the same thing for Pictures and your Cloud drives.

Task #2 Check your downloads folder

When you download things from the internet the files are often saved in your downloads folder*. Everything downloaded goes in there. Important things, temporary things, updates and other nonsense. You can safely and easily delete most of it. Certain things, like PDFs and Documents you should save in a more useful location.

As you check your downloads folder on a regular basis you will become familiar with what regularly lands in there. This will allow you to easily identify what you need to move to your documents folder or and what you can delete.

*There is a setting that allows you to change your download default location.

Task #3 Sort your desktop

Your desktop is your computer starting place. It should be a place of order and joy. You can have an inspiring background and your exciting projects right where you can see them. You want to avoid cluttering it up with unnecessary icons and files.

In just a few moments you can clear it out so the only things you see when you turn on your computer are the things you want to see. To organize your desktop, you can move things on the desktop into folders on the desktop, or you can open your Finder or Windows Explorer, click on Desktop and organize things from there. Watch as you change things in the Desktop folder, they will organize themselves on your actual Desktop.

This organization process takes time. Each time you sort your data you will move closer to order and further from chaos.

Resources Associated with This Game Space:

GAME SPACE: Set up File folders

Good Luck,

The Next Game Space

When you are ready for the next game space check-out: Connect Contacts

Your mission, should you choose to accept it,
is to Rescue your Digital Office.


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