Choose a Task List System

You have a ton of options when it comes to choosing a task manager or project management tool. The first place to look is within your current digital office.

Outlook Tasks, Google Tasks, and Apple Reminders are often enough for you to develop a useful rhythm of using a task list effectively and gaining the benefits of having all your obligations in one place.

When you are ready for a more robust tool visit Capterra or Get APP for a list of task management tools and reviews. Many of these tools will offer FREEmium versions you can use as you start. Usually, these free versions offer the basic things you need with the hope that as you grow and need more features you will purchase them. For task lists, I look for the ones that allow for unlimited tasks and charge for features like automation, custom fields, and more users.

Here are some guidelines on what features you should look for to choose a good task management system.

  1. You can easily access it from your phone, computer, and tablet
  2. It must be easy to add tasks.
  3. Task entries should have at least these 4 elements
    • Title
    • Due Date
    • Tagging system (for organizing & prioritizing)
    • A generous note field

In the BLOG POST: How to Choose Your Digital Task System I break down the options in more detail.

WARNING: If they don’t have some sort of pricing system they won’t stay in business.

Check out the resources below for more detailed information on finding and setting up a good task system.

Resources Associated with This Game Space:

BLOG POST: How to Choose Your Digital Task System

BLOG POST: Set Up Your Task List System

GUIDE VIDEO: Join me as we work on this Game Space together.

Good Luck,

Weekly Maintenance:

To maintain the work you have done in this GAME SPACE be sure to add Evaluate Tasks to your weekly rhythm.


When you are ready for the next GAME SPACE check out: Connect your Cloud Drives

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