Update your Email Signature
Do you have a personalized signature set up at the end of your email messages?
Do you want one?
Email signatures are pretty cool, and you can be very creative with them. They save time and make sure you are giving your people the information they need to stay in contact with you.
For my regular email account I have the simple standard professional email signature that is automatically entered at the bottom of every email I send.
It goes something like this.
Nicole Lux-Ritchie
“Don’t let your technology bully you”
But I have also seen some really creative ones.
- May your day be blessed, NAME, PHONE
- Yellow is a happy color, NAME, PHONE
- I only check my email on Thursdays, NAME, PHONE
- Sent from my iPhone
- Get Outlook for iOS 10
and so on.
What does yours say? And does it reflect who you are the way you want it to?
If you don’t have one, or feel it’s time to update yours, it is pretty easy to do in the Outlook.com and Gmail systems.
Once your new signature is saved it will show up whenever you start a new email – Go test it ????.
You can also test it by sending me an email, I’d love to see what you create.
Send it to Nicole@luxcentric.com.
Put “new signature” in the Subject field.
For extra credit let me know why you chose the type of signature you chose.
Below are the quick instructions on how to set up your email signature for Outlook.com and Gmail.
Create an Outlook.com email signature
1. From Settings —> Choose “Options”
2. From the “Writing Email” Section —> Choose “Formatting, font and signature”
3. In the “Personal Signature” section you can format your email just as you would a regular email.
4. Click “Save” at the bottom
Create a Gmail email signature
1. From Settings —> Choose Settings
2. From the “General” tab (look along the top menu – it is the first one) then scroll to near the bottom of the page.
3. In the Signature section, you can format your signature just as you format a regular e-mail.
4. Once you complete the formatting of your signature, click the radio button to turn it on.
5. Now scroll to the bottom to click “Save” – you now have a new email signature.
Note: Unfortunately both Outlook.com and Gmail make it cumbersome and inconsistent to add pictures or logos to signatures. Sometimes it works to insert an image and sometimes it doesn’t.
And please, let me know if you would like help with this. See the offer below.
For those of you who would like some help setting up your email signature let’s schedule a topic tackle and get that done.
- Schedule a Topic Tackle and let's get it started!
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