Get it in the Calendar!
You Need a Reliable Calendar System
What time was that appointment?
Where was it again?
What do you mean I am late?
Didn’t we schedule this for 11:00?
While getting to the right appointment at the right location at the right time can occasionally go haywire and people are understanding, don’t let missing appointments become a habit.
What and Why of a Reliable Calendar System
The best way to prevent missing out on your important stuff is to set up a reliable calendar system. Your system doesn’t have to be spectacular, but it does need to meet a few requirements.
- You need to know where it is.
- It must be easy to make entries
- It must be easy to change entries
Imagine you are at a networking event, and are making several fantastic connections. What you do next can launch your business to the next level with ease.
- They say, when someone shows interest in your services, you need to act.
- They also say, that the best action is to schedule a meeting, or another meeting.
- The most efficient and effective way to get this done is to do it on the spot, in the moment.
Have you ever tried to track someone down after the fact to get something scheduled and could never re-connect? Once the moment is lost…
How it Should Work
Now imagine your fantastic connections are eager to schedule time with you. You get out your calendar and enter them in. You tell them you will follow up with a reminder email or call and everyone is thrilled.
That’s how it should work.
Now for the right tools.
With the prevalence of smartphones, or “Magic Phones” as some say, we can have access to all of our stuff at all time. If your calendar is set up in a cloud-based system you can check on your availability, schedule an appointment and send an email confirmation all at once within seconds.
There are others, but the systems I recommend are Gmail and Both of these are completely cloud based (online) and with the phone app you are also able to access it without internet access. The Calendar will update your stuff when you get connected again. They also integrate email and contacts into the same system, keeping everything in one place.
Check Your System
There are a variety of configurations for setting up a working calendar system. If you have opted for the cloud option (my personal favorite) you should be able to create an appointment on your phone and have it show up in your calendar on your primary computer. Do a quick check.
- Set a test appointment up on your phone for tomorrow at 1:00 pm
- Go check your computer for the appointment. You may need to refresh your browser or hit send and receive on your program. Is it there?
- Now try the other direction. Create an appointment for tomorrow at 2:00 pm from your computer.
- Go check your phone calendar. Is it there?
If not it can be a pretty easy fix.
In the calendar settings of your phone, you will want to make sure that the calendar name and system match the name and system on your computer. This will synchronize your calendars.
For those of you who would you like help to synchronize your calendars or need a little bit of calendar training. I offer a Topic Tackle for just this situation.
Here is how you take advantage of this offer.
- Schedule a Topic Tackle and let's get it started!
Be sure to ask how you can get UNLIMITED Topic Tackles